New Appointment as Emissary Extraordinaire – Mike Sonpon

On August 30, 2021, The Dominion of Melchizedek appointment the Honorable Mike Sonpon as Emissary Extraordinaire to the Republic of Liberia. Emissary Sonpon has proven to be a valuable asset to the Dominion of Melchizedek over the years.

Emissary Sonpon is also the President of TNU or Taongi National University. He is spearheading the building of the University in Salala County. He works tirelessly on our behalf speaking with local, regional, and national government agents and agencies in order to help realize the first higher level University in the oldest County in Liberia.

This appointment will help further Emissary Sonpon’s ability to continue his efforts for the Dominion of Melchizedek to the Peoples of the Republic of Liberia.

Congratulations to Emissary Mike Sonpon on his new appointment. It is well deserved and the Peoples of the Dominion of Melchizedek thank him for all his hard work and look forward to continued collaboration and cooperation as we move forward.


David Williams Assumes Head of State Position for the Dominion of Melchizedek

On February 29, 2012, “Tzemach Ben David Netzer Korem” stepped down from any activities or involvement with the Dominion of Melchizedek. This is a public notice to the international community establishing on record that the leadership of the Dominion of Melchizedek has been passed to David-Parker: Williams as Head of State with the Title of Prime Minister.

Matriculation Ceremony in Salala District, Bong County Liberia

Today, in the Republic of Liberia, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Brian Smith, attended a special matriculation ceremony marking the official launch of Taongi National University in Liberia. He visited Liberia as a special representative of IEPAA. The IEPAA is a chartered NGO under the Ministry of Education whose function is to oversee the accreditation requirements of the Universities operating through the Dominion of Melchizedek.

Deputy Minister Smith was asked to give a speech to mark the occasion. Below is a transcript of the speech.


Good Morning everyone. My name is Brian Smith. I am a special representative for my partners in IEPAA and Taongi National University. For those of you who may not know what IEPAA is… it stands for International Education Professional Accreditation Association.

First, I want to send my sincere thanks to Vice President Taylor, Secretary Yallah, and Dr. Mike Sonpon for making my visit to Liberia and my attendance here for this momentous occasion in the history of Bong County and Liberia possible.

I am honored to be participating in the official launching of Taongi National University. We would not be here today without the support of those in position of Government. Madam Vice President, Honorable Ministers, Senators, Representatives, and Commissioner. Thank You.

Let me assure you… My partners and I are dedicated to seeing a world class university built here in the Salala District of Bong County. This includes a campus, dormitories, a University Library, Administration Offices, and anything else which will make this University, the University of choice for all young Liberians who wish to better themselves, their community, and this great nation!

But… education is only the stepping stone. What comes after is the ability for those who graduate to put their knowledge and skills to use. This means we must create the necessary environment in which graduates can enter a viable and sustainable workforce.

Beyond the University, I am here to explore the opportunities in various business sectors that will help boost the local and national economy of Liberia.

Some of the projects my partners and I are highly interested include:

  • Sustainable Energy
  • Sustainable Agriculture, free from chemicals
  • Clean, Safe Water.
  • Infrastructure
  • And General Merchandise & Services.

In closing, I would like to say that with the support of your national Government, local government, and the help of many individuals who are and will continue to see the vision of Taongi National University… I have no doubt we will help Liberia and her citizens create the future we all want to see and live. I would like to leave you with this quote…

“Knowledge is a very special commodity; the more you give away, the more you have left. Imparting education not only enlightens the receiver, but also broadens the giver…the teachers, the parents, the friends. Schooling not only benefits the person being schooled, but also others who are close to those who are being schooled. Basic education is a truly social good, which people can share and from which they can jointly benefit, without having to snatch it from others”.

Thank you


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Humanitarian Shipment for the Republic of Liberia

The Ministry of Humanitarian Aid in coordination with Mission Harvest America has completed the collection and loading of a trailer of clothing, toys, electronics, food, and other material destined for the the Republic of Liberia.

This shipment of aid is destined for Monrovia, Liberia. 

The Dominion of Melchizedek will continues to provide assistance for our brothers and sisters in the Republic of Liberia and hope this aid will help them in their time of need.

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